Pause animation Air Liquide Normand’Hy aims to build an electrolyzer of at least 200 MW in the industrial zone of Port-Jérôme in Normandy for the production of renewable hydrogen in France. Our lastest news Air Liquide to invest in hydrogen supply chain to support the acceleration of low-carbon mobility along the Seine Axis (France) November 15, 2024 Air Liquide takes a further step in developing the hydrogen sector in France September 14, 2023 Investments Air Liquide receives support from French State to its 200 MW electrolyzer project in Normandy and accelerates the development of the hydrogen sector in Europe March 08, 2022 Regulations Air Liquide obtains authorization to operate its future renewable hydrogen production site in Normandy January 19, 2022 Investments Air Liquide accelerates its large scale renewable hydrogen production flagship project in France October 20, 2021 Investments Air Liquide makes a strategic investment to support large scale renewable hydrogen production in France January 20, 2021 Learn more about the project Producing renewable hydrogen for industry and mobility The large-scale Proton-Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer project of Air Liquide Normand’Hy would supply renewable hydrogen for industrial and heavy mobility applications. This project, which is planned to be commissioned in 2026, will allow to avoid the emission of more than 250,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. Read more An environmentally friendly project Within the framework of the construction of the renewable hydrogen production plant, Air Liquide is working to prevent all the negative effects potentially generated by the work. It is also a question of preserving the local ecosystem (fauna and flora) throughout the operating period. Read more A project in the heart of the Normandy industrial basin The electrolyser of at least 200 MW will be located in the Port-Jérôme industrial zone. Read more Air Liquide and hydrogen production by water electrolysis Electrolysis consists of splitting water molecules (H2O) by means of an electric current and thus obtaining hydrogen and oxygen. Read more RTE, an access to an economical, secure and clean electricity supply RTE connects the hydrogen production plant to the electrical network. Read more This project has been funded by the State within France Relance plan and France 2030